

Eco Fix Oil Hand, Tool and Surface Sanitiser - Food Grade

For Use As A Hand Sanitiser, To Clean And Sanitise Equipment Brought Into Food Prep Areas And For Sanitising All Surfaces.

Eco Fix Oil Hand, Tool and Surface Sanitiser contains 75% Isopropyl Alcohol, with Eco Fix Oil Emollient, Distilled Water and Hydrogen Peroxide. It is MPI C43, C44 & C54 food grade approved (all animal products except dairy), so is approved safe for use as a hand sanitiser and a surface sanitiser in food prep areas.

The formulation meets World Health Organisation recommendations which have been proven in studies to inactivate the Sars and Mers viruses, which are coronaviruses related to the one that causes COVID-19.

The Eco Fix Oil constituent has two functions -

• A very good emollient for the skin. It is very similar to the human body's natural skin oil. It moisturises and softens the skin, stopping the sanitiser from drying your skin out, or leaving it sticky or slimy, like most sanitisers do.

• Lubricating and preventing corrosion from forming on metal surfaces after they have been sanitised. For example, tradesmen's tools need to be sanitised before they are brought into food prep areas to work on equipment, but a standard alcohol sanitiser strips the lubricating and corrosion protective oil film from tools, leaving them susceptible to wear, corrosion and seizing. Eco Fix Oil Hand, Tool and Surface Sanitiser provides a non-toxic food grade protective coating as it sanitises.

This product is also proving very useful to arborists and landscapers who are working across multiple locations, where there is a chance of disease spread between locations. Eco Fix Oil Hand, Tool and Surface Sanitiser cleans and sterilises tools and equipment, preventing disease spread whilst lubricating and protecting them between jobs.


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Apply enough product to cover all surfaces of the hands. Rub hands until dry.

Tools & Surfaces:
Apply enough product to cover all surfaces. Allow to dry and optionally wipe off excess residue.


New Zealand MPI approved C 43 (All Animal Products Except Dairy).

New Zealand MPI approved C 44 (All Animal Products Except Dairy).

New Zealand MPI approved C 54 (All Animal Products Except Dairy).



Food Grade Certification

MPI Approved C 43 (All animal product except dairy)

1. This may be used as a no-rinse sanitiser on clean hard surfaces in approved or registered premises which are restricted only to the processing of fish.

2. Before use, all edible product and packaging material must be removed from the room or carefully protected.

3. After use, a rinse with potable water is not required but food contact surfaces must be thoroughly drained to minimise residues.

4. When used as a sanitiser in other approved or registered premises, surfaces must be thoroughly rinsed with potable water before production starts.

5. This compound must always be used at the dilutions recommended by the manufacturer.





Food Grade Certification

MPI Approved C 44 (All animal product except dairy)

1. This may be used in all areas.

2. This may be used for sanitising quality control equipment where the equipment is allowed to dry prior to contacting product.

3. It must be used at a sufficient distance from all edible product and packaging material so that there can be no possibility of contamination of product or packaging material as a result of use.

4. When used as a sanitiser in other circumstances, surfaces must be thoroughly rinsed with potable water before production starts.





Food Grade Certification

MPI Approved C 54 (All animal product except dairy)

1. This may be used as a hand sanitising compound in all areas.

2. The compound must be supplied from a fixed, metered dispenser located a sufficient distance from the processing line to prevent product contamination.

3. Before the sanitiser is applied, hands must be clean. This includes washing the hands where necessary.

4. After use, the hands need not be rinsed but must be dry before the operator returns to the processing line.



Safety Data Sheet for Eco Fix Oil Hand, Tool and Surface Sanitiser